Submission Guidelines
Only full papers will be accepted to be published in the conference proceedings,
both accepted full papers and abstracts will be invited to give the oral/post
presentation at the conference site.
Any submission must not have been, or will not be published elsewhere or submitted
to another publication before the review notification date of this conference.
Conference organizers are responsible for the technical quality of paper on the
basis of reviews obtained. It is sole responsibility of author/s if their paper
detects plagiarism even in later stages of quality check. No registration fee will
be refunded in any case if your paper is excluded from proceedings by the
The conference’s official language is English. All papers must be written in English
and must be formatted in PDF according to the following instructions.
Abstract-only submission will be included in conference program, but will not
published, and authors will be invited to give an oral/poster presentation on
Full Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for
publication elsewhere) in standard format describing new theoretical and/or
experimental research. Submissions are recommended to have no more than 10 pages
(extra pages are subject to surcharge), including figures, tables, and references.
Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity,
relevance, correctness, and presentation. All papers will be reviewed by at least
two-three members of the program committees and technical committees. The
conference’s official language is English. All papers must be written in English and
must be formatted in WORD and PDF according to the following instructions.
Each accepted paper must be presented by one of the authors and accompanied by at
least one full ACESS 2025 registration fee payment, to guarantee publication in the
Submission Methods
Please choose one way to submit your contributions.
1. Open conf
submission system:
To get the submission guideline, please click
2. Email: [email protected]
Template Downloads
Word Templates
Abstract Template
Poster Template